The Witching Work – Published at Last!

Order it now as a Kindle eBook. Paperback will be published soon! Wethrini Invade Hawai'i! Time to Get Serious! Powerful other-dimensional Wethrini warriors are poised to invade Hawai’i Island! Half-Elf Oyster Olson, and the all-too-human Babe Bump, Tomma Bedlam, and the other nine “Hermits of Hermitville,” are new to the magical arts, barely conversant with…

The Witching Work – Out This Spring!

Publication date to be announced, but "soon." I am so looking forward to the second book being out this year! People who have read the first really want the sequel and I can't wait for them to read it. Stay tuned for more news from me and the publisher, Strange Particle Press (an imprint of…